Here you can find frequently asked questions. We help you to find the answer!

You can read more about the Envato support policy here: https://codecanyon.net/page/item_support_policy

Our dedicated support team tries their best to reply as soon as possible. Generally, it takes less than 24 hours during weekdays. But it may take longer on weekends and holidays, or if your problem is too technical and we need help from the development team.

Our regular support hours are 10 am-7 pm IST, Mon-Fri. We also try to reply at other hours whenever it is possible.

There are 2 ways you can contact support. The best way is to go to https://infyomlabs.authordesk.app and create a support ticket with the problem by verifying your purchase code.

Or you can also contact us via email at labs@infyom.in.

You can read more about the Envato Refund Policy here: https://codecanyon.net/page/customer_refund_policy