How to add new language into existing product?

Project Management | Tasks Management - Project Management System | Tasks Management System

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Mitul Golakiya

Follow the below steps to add a new language to the Project.

Step 1: Edit User Model

- Go to app\Models\User.php

- There will be a constant called LANGUAGES which contains all the existing languages supported by the product.

- Add the new language there with the shortcode as a key and the full name of the language as adasasas value. For e.g.,

const LANGUAGES = [
    'nl' => 'New Language'

Step 2: Add Language Folder in Resources Folder

- Now go to resources\lang folder

- Copy directory resources\lang\en

- Paste it into the same directory resources\lang with the language name that you have used as a key in the array (in our above example, the folder should be resources\lang\nl )

- And change the values into all files under that language with the value in your language.

And you should be good to go.